Aurgho Jyoti Plays an Architect in an Italian Novel
Le Strada del Figlio (The Streets of the Son) is a coming-of-age Italian novel written by Giona Peduzzi. It portrays the story of an Italian boy who travels to India in search of his father who has become a saint in the Himalayas. Aurgho Jyoti plays an Indian architect working in Rome and is one of the characters the protagonist meets in Delhi. The novel depicts a lot of actual encounters between Giona and Aurgho.
Monograph Shares Aurgho Jyoti’s thoughts
Monograph as part of the Section Cut Conference created an Interview Series. Aurgho Jyoti shared his lens on practice, questions that are at the top of his mind, how work informs philosophy and vice versa, and advice to a younger self. Monograph is a technology company with a suite of tools for architecture and design firm management and operations.
Aurgho Jyoti Interviewed by Pinch of Doubt
Aurgho Jyoti was interviewed by Cem Kayatekin for the podcast “Pinch of Doubt”, run from Segovia, Spain. Aurgho spoke about his interests in architecture, his thoughts, and doubts. The podcast is described as “engaging in interdisciplinary jibber-jabber, hopefully in a digestible and entertaining manner.” Discussions were on “architecture, urbanism, forming a practice significance, participatory urbanism, the Partition of India, the value of slowness, and beyond.”
Aurgho Jyoti Presents at International Conference on Partition
Aurgho Jyoti presented AUR’s research and preliminary design framework for the Virtual Kolkata Partition Museum Project at “Lives Redefined - Partition, Refugees, and Settlement Colonies”, an International Conference on Partition organized by Amity Institute of Social Sciences. Discussions were on time, subaltern space, and memory (material memory, inherited memory, and involuntary memory) in the context of architecture at the Virtual Museum.
Kolkata Partition Museum Trust Announces AUR Collaboration
The Kolkata Partition Museum (KPM) Trust announced the Virtual Kolkata Partition Museum Project, done in collaboration with AUR. It will be launched on the 75th anniversary of Partition in August 2022. The project will be experienced inside an art gallery in Kolkata and will also be navigated and experienced online. The project aims to not only memorialise the specificity of Bengal’s experience of Partition and its aftermath but also to emphasize the continuities between West Bengal and Bangladesh.
Aurgho Jyoti Presents AUR Projects at Harvard GSD
Aurgho Jyoti presented current AUR projects at Harvard Graduate School of Design as part of the Master in Design Studies Alumni Panel. The presentation and the discussion that followed highlighted the experience and lineage in the work since graduating from GSD, the relationship between architecture and technology, the role of materials, design technology, and building technology.
Aurgho Jyoti Curates “Women during Partition” in Delhi
Aurgho Jyoti in collaboration with “The 1947 Partition Archive” curated the exhibit “Women During Partition” inside Mandi House Metro Station in New Delhi. The exhibit, covered by the Indian Express, The Wire India, The Pioneer, India Today, and Wion News, highlighted firsthand accounts of women who witnessed and survived the Partition and currently live in India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh. Train stations have a historical significance, as trains were crucial in the migration process to transport people escaping violence, and also a lot of violence played out in them.
Aurgho Jyoti Curates “Refugees of the British Empire” in Berkeley
Aurgho Jyoti in collaboration with “The 1947 Partition Archive” curated the exhibit “Refugees of the British Empire” in Berkeley, California. The exhibit, with a provocative title, documents, and highlights stories of Partition survivors who have eventually migrated to California. The exhibit and event was supported by California Humanities, a non-profit partner of the National Endowment for the Humanities.
Sea-tac Bridge Published at Istanbul Bridge Conference
Sea-tac International Airport Bridge was published in Turkey as part of the Istanbul Bridge Conference – iBridge 2018. The paper titled “Bridge Design – Geometry, Structure, and Enclosure” highlights the technology-integrated design process from early concept to fabrication to completion. Aurgho Jyoti served as the Lead Architect for the project at SOM San Francisco. iBridge was organized by the International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering, Zurich and Bridge Engineering Association, New York.
Sea-tac Bridge Exhibited at Seattle Architecture Foundation
Sea-tac International Airport Bridge was exhibited at Resurgence 2017 at the Center for Architecture & Design, part of the Seattle Architecture Foundation. Aurgho Jyoti served as the Lead Architect for the project at SOM San Francisco. It is a 770’ long Pedestrian Bridge with an 85’ taxiway vertical clearance for the largest airplanes to pass. It is part of the International Arrivals Facility Project at Sea-tac Airport.
Social Design Research Published and Presented at ICoRD Guwahati
Aurgho Jyoti’s collaborative research with Saurabh Tewari - “Holistic Socio-Environmental Design – Practices in Making, Craft, and Historicity” was published and presented at ICoRD – International Conference on Research into Design at IIT Guwahati, India. Situated in the postcolonial paradigm of India, the research is an attempt to delineate socio-environmental approaches from the cultural ground of design practice. The systemic repercussions of design and decisions in the making of physical cultural objects directly influence how a society operates and functions.
Aurgho Jyoti Invited to Speak at Smart Cities India Expo
Aurgho Jyoti was invited to speak at the 2nd Smart Cities India Expo 2016 held in New Delhi, India. His lecture titled “Architecture: Made in India” was part of the session: “Architecture and Smart Cities”. He was cited as one of ten Global Business Leaders at the exposition. The event was covered by The Telegraph and the Business Wire. Without dwelling on the word ‘smart’, his talk highlighted architecture’s role as an agent of social and urban transformation in contemporary India.
Aurgho Jyoti Interviewed by Modelo in Cincinnati
Aurgho Jyoti was interviewed by Modelo as part of the interview series ‘Design Manifesto’, during ACADIA 2015 in Cincinnati. Aurgho shared his thoughts on becoming an architect, on discovering his voice and influences, his current interests, his aspirations for the future, the future of architecture, and his advice to his younger self. Other interviewees include Nader Tehrani, Ma Yansong, Winka Dubbeldam, and Enrique Norten amongst others.
Aurgho Jyoti Presented High-Rise Research at ACADIA
Aurgho Jyoti presented his High-Rise Environmental Form-Finding Research at ACADIA (The Association for Computer-Aided Design in Architecture) Annual Conference in Cincinnati. The research titled “High Rise Morphologies: Architectural Form Finding in a Performative Design Search Space of Dense Urban Contexts”, is a further development of his Harvard GSD thesis, which investigates environmentally responsive forms for high-rises in dense urban contexts.
Aurgho Jyoti Presented Social Research at Design History Society
Aurgho Jyoti along with Saurabh Tewari presented their research at the Design History Society Conference in San Francisco. The lecture titled “Holistic Design Principles driven by Socio-Environmental Visions: Indian Sub-Continent”, through an investigation of post-colonial Design History of India explored Social and Environmental Visions in the Indian context. With post-independence modernization by Nehru, economic liberalization of the nineties, and Modi’s aggressive smart cities call, it is critical to retrospect for a culturally-rooted future.
Aurgho Jyoti Presents Work at SPA Bhopal
Aurgho Jyoti presented his Design Research at the School of Planning and Architecture, Bhopal. Projects included both professional and academic research projects. Projects highlighted working at multiple scales - from the scale of a custom fabricated brick to the scale of a building to the scale of a city.
Aurgho Jyoti Selected for 20 UNDER 35: Design X Design
Aurgho Jyoti was selected as one of 20 Indian Designers under 35 by Alliance Francaise de Delhi. He was part of the “20 UNDER 35: Design X Design” exhibition where he showcased his architecture and design research works. The exhibit attempts to share design philosophies, working methods, and future aspirations of the 20 shortlisted designers (5 architects) under the age of 35. As its premise, it is a platform to communicate with society the role of designers as makers of cultures and civilizations.
Ceramic Material Research Exhibited at ACADIA San Francisco
Aurgho Jyoti’s collaborative research on custom fabrication with Ceramics at Harvard GSD was exhibited at ACADIA San Francisco. The research was done in collaboration with Stefano Andreani, Martin Bechthold, Jose Luis Garcia del Castillo, and Nathan King.
Ceramic Material Research Exhibited at ISARC Eindhoven
Aurgho Jyoti’s collaborative research on custom fabrication with Ceramics at Harvard GSD was exhibited at ISARC Eindhoven. The research was done in collaboration with Stefano Andreani, Martin Bechthold, Jose Luis Garcia del Castillo, and Nathan King.
Ceramic Material Research Exhibited at CEVISAMA Valencia
Aurgho Jyoti’s collaborative research on custom fabrication with Ceramics at Harvard GSD was exhibited at CEVISAMA International Trade Fair in Valencia. The research was done in collaboration with Stefano Andreani, Martin Bechthold, Jose Luis Garcia del Castillo, and Nathan King.